Disrespecting Jesus with Terrible Church Music

There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to the subject of praising Jesus.  Somewhere in the Bible, no one knows where for sure, it talks about making loud and joyful noises unto the Lord.  This is great, in theory, if you possess the aptitude and general musical ability to make these joyful noises without sounding like a drowning a cat.

YouTube is a fun place to find all sorts of people from many different walks of life all filming themselves being terrible at praising Jesus.  Some of them are so bad that it’s nearly impossible to watch an entire video of whatever classic hymn they’re blaspheming.

Seeing these videos got me wondering if there is a certain skill level involved in praising Jesus in order for it to not be disrespectful.  I mean, Jesus and God are like the king and, I dunno mini-king, of the whole universe so shouldn’t we not offer up some bullshit rendition of “Blessed be the Lord most high,” when we praise them?

It’s like if you have a kid who can paint really well and you put her pictures on the fridge and everyone is happy.  Then your kid, who you dropped, also wants to put a picture he painted on the fridge but his paintings lack depth and complexity and also look like he used his elbows.  What do you do?  You have to put both paintings on the fridge but secretly you wish the dumb one would just pick you a flower or something.

I wonder if that’s how God feels.  There are loads of terrible renditions of various Christian songs available for your viewing pleasure.  I would feel bad openly mocking any of them but I’m pretty sure these people put these online themselves, in order to bless us.  And bless us they most certainly do.

I can’t bring myself to post the links directly on here because frankly it just makes me sad.  I did put a couple of my favorite hyper-links on.  It’s fun to search on your own though.  As you’re being blessed by these please ask yourself: Does this feel a little disrespectful to our Lord? Not us watching it, but them performing it.  Yes.  Yes it does.  If you want to do your own research I think you would really be blessed if you were to type in “worldnetchrist” into YouTube.  That shit is great.  There are some other notable videos like THIS or THIS but seriously the worldnetchrist team is next level.  Most of their videos start with a song and then have about 25-minutes of sermon but the songs are worth the click.


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